Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tempting Faith Episode #4

Well look at that, we've done a whole 4 episodes. Woohoo! I'm very happy to say that each time they've gotten better and better. Our sound quality has gone up (thanks to new mics) our audio mixing is the bomb (thanks to Cory) and our guests just keep getting more lively.
This time we had the esteemed Meliza Bañales from Sister Spit. Bañales was the first Latina to win a poetry slam on the west coast.She wrote the book Say It With Your Whole Mouth at the age of twenty-five which went on to be nominated for the Poetry Center Book Award in 2004. She has also worked on and appeared in a number of independent films. Her own film, Do the Math, with award-winning director Mary Guzmán was the winner of a 2006 Frameline Completion Grant and received an Honorable Mention in Outfest 2007. She is now in production on a short film called Getting Off, with J. Aguilar coming to festivals in 2009 and is the co-executive producer of Tina D'Elia's film, Lucha, about the revolutionaries of El Salvador.Bañales is currently working on a one-woman-show, One Bad Year, as an artist-in-residence for Airspace in San Francisco. You don't want to miss this interview!
Listen Now!

Episode #8 - Homo for the Holidays

Ah Christmas, time for aerosol snow, ugly embroidered sweaters, and eating till it hurts!!
Whether you get all warm and misty eyed just thinking about it, or spend the whole month drunk trying to forget 'em.... we've got the show for you "HOMO FOR THE HOLIDAYS; our way of filling your stockings full of funny christmas stories, kinky gift exchange, and Meliza Banales poetry. You won't believe her story about sex and bondage. It's the best New Years a lesbian can have.
Happy Holidays Homos!! Have a great New Years!!!

Episode # 7 - Girls, Guns, Gossip & Gifts

This is the last month of the year and people are scrambling to get their loved ones gifts for Christmas. There's some naughty and nice suggestions on the Top Ten Lesbian Gift Guide. We also shared some laughs and opinions over Prop 8 The Musical, starring Jack Black as Jesus. Also, we have some crazy stories to share in Homo Headlines and Katy Perry makes news again (!) before the year is over. And our very own Mickey shares some exclusive audio clips from her documentary about women and guns. Hope you're all as excited as we are about the seventh episode...enjoy!

The Lesbian Gift Guide

1. Jacques Comfort Cloth Jock-Style Harness (once you click the link scroll down to locate the item)

2. Dispatch bag

3. Wild Kingdom (once you click the link scroll down to locate the item)

4. Lonestar (Dildo)

5. Lesbian Greeting Cards

6. Dara Dress

7. Fanny Packs

8. Olivia - Caribbean islands Cruise

9. An Androgynous Haircut by Joelle (no mohawks please)

10. Pabst Blue Ribbon

5733 Says No to H(8) w/ New Charitable T-Shirt - Only $10!

5733, an Oakland based clothing company that helps to sponsor this podcast, is standing up against the Proposition 8 Ruling. They have created the above T-shirt design and agreed to donate all proceeds from its sale to The Courage Campaign a non-profit, grassroots organization working to repeal Proposition 8. The shirts are super sexy, printed on good quality baby blue or white and light grey striped American Apparel t-shirts (if you buy American Apparel, then you know their t-shirts generally run $20+), but these are ONLY $10 - so you can totally buy some for your friends for the holidays, and feel good about doing your part to end H8. Please contact 5733 to place your order today! You can also contact them on myspace - look for them on our top friends list.

Civil Disobedience Arrests at No on Prop H8 Protest - San Francisco

Episode #5 - Homo Hip Hop

This week on The Lesbian Podcast we take the show on the road and catch up with the ultra talented lesbian hip hop duo, God-des and She! They fill us in on making number one on Logo's click list and what their plans are for the future. The current album, "Stand Up," is available on iTunes. We'll talk about Halloween, the costumes and the craziness. A lesbian gets ordained in Minneapolis in Homo Headlines and in Rainbow Rumors we'll talk about all the lesbian weddings and do a little soap opera(esque) re-enactment just for you, our lovely listeners. Enjoy! . . . And big thank you's to God-des, She, and Allie for making the bathroom interview happen.
Click here to listen to Episode 5!